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Privacy Policy & disclaimer


Anglican Investment and Development Fund (“AIDF”, “we” or “us”) receive funds from investors and make loans to parishes and other diocesan agencies (e.g. schools) for building or other capital works projects for the benefit of ministry units and agencies of the Anglican Church of Australia in the Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn.


This Privacy Policy summarises how we will deal with your personal information.


We are committed to protecting your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the Australian Privacy Principles. By visiting our website, using any of our services or otherwise providing us with your personal information (or authorising it to be provided to us by someone else), you agree to your personal information being handled as set out in this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy does not cover how we will deal with the personal information of those who apply for employment with us.


For the purposes of this policy –

Personal information is information or an opinion about an identified individual or an individual who is reasonably identifiable.

Sensitive information includes information about your health, your race or ethnic origin, political opinions and religious beliefs.

personal information

AIDF only collects personal information that is necessary for the provision of our services. 

This includes but is not limited to information about –

    • Customers

    • Trustees of the Anglican Church Property Trust Diocese of Canberra & Goulburn

    • Board members

    • Staff

    • Other people with whom we come in contact

Generally your information will be collected when you fill out an Application Form for a product or service, or when you give us personal information whether by telephone, email, in face to face interviews, or via other means.  From time to time additional or updated information may be collected by one or more of these methods.  At all times AIDF will ensure that you are made aware of the purposes for which that information is collected, and how and why that information will be used.  Where reasonable AIDF will collect personal information directly from you and not through another party.

sensitive information

Some personal information that we collect may also be sensitive information.

AIDF will only collect sensitive information about you with your consent unless –

    • we are otherwise allowed or required by law to collect that information, or

    • the information relates to our activities and relates solely to members of the Anglican Church Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn or to individuals who have regular contact with us in connection with our activities.

If you provide us with sensitive information about yourself which is necessary for the provision of our services, we will treat this as collection of such information with your consent.

collection & storage

AIDF may collect your personal information in various ways, including via telephone, our website (including through entry into an online database), in writing (including by email or other electronic means) and/or through online forms/surveys, whether hosted on a third party website or our own.

Collection of personal information required by law

In certain circumstances we may be required or permitted by law to collect certain personal information about you.  For example, we may need to collect your name, residential address, country of residence, date of birth, and other types of personal information to comply with our legislative obligations.

You do not have to provide us with your personal information but if you do not provide us with the personal information that we need, we may not be able to provide services or assistance to you.

purpose of collecting your personal information & its use by aidf

AIDF only collects, holds and uses personal information for the purposes for which it was provided, related purposes that we consider to be within your reasonable expectations or as permitted or required by law.  These purposes are for the provision of our services, such as through –

    • providing you with services that have been requested; and

    • processing authorised payments to and from you;

    • any other uses identified at the time of collecting your personal information.


We will not disclose your personal information to an entity of the Diocese for the purposes of that entity soliciting donations from you.

We may disclose your information to government bodies, regulators, law enforcement agencies and any other parties where authorised or required by law.  These may include the Australian Securities and Investments Commission and the Australian Taxation Office.

AIDF may disclose your personal information to third party service providers, agents or contractors from time to time to help us to provide our services.  Such information is disclosed with the understanding that all parties comply with Commonwealth and state legislation and the information disclosed is for the specific purpose we ask them to perform.

We may also disclose your information to any other entities identified at the time of collecting your personal information or which you subsequently request or expressly consent to us providing with your personal information.

Disclosure to overseas recipients

In general AIDF does not disclose your personal information to any overseas recipients, although there may be some specific exceptions to this.  On such occasions we will seek your consent to disclose your personal information and will outline to you who it will be disclosed to and how it will be used by them.

storage & Security

We take reasonable steps to protect any personal information that we hold from misuse, interference and loss and from unauthorised access, alteration and disclosure.  For example, we implement the following security measures –
    • security procedures for access to our internal office areas;

    • security procedures within our offices (including, locked cabinets and file rooms for personal information that is particularly sensitive);

    • IT security procedures including password protection, firewalls, intrusion detection and site monitoring; and

    • a requirement for all staff to maintain confidentiality except insofar as disclosure is reasonably necessary for the proper performance of employment duties (as outlined in workplace policies and/or employment contracts).

In the event that our professional relationship ceases, any personal information we hold about you will be securely maintained for a period of not less than 7 years in order to comply with legislative and professional requirements imposed on us.  After that time your records containing your personal information will be destroyed.


You may access personal information we hold about you, subject to certain legal restrictions or exemptions.  Where such restrictions or exemptions exist we will advise you of those reasons at the time of your request.

If you wish to access the personal information we hold about you or request that it be corrected or updated, you should contact the Registrar using the contact details below.

While we do not charge you for a request for accessing your personal information you should be aware that we may charge a reasonable fee (which will be notified to you once you make a request) for our time and expenses in the following circumstances –

  • if an extended amount of time is required to collate and prepare material for you; and
  • if you wish to have your files photocopied for you.

quality of information & correction

We take reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information we hold about you is accurate, complete and up-to-date.  However, we also rely on you to advise us of any changes to your personal information in a timely manner.

If there are any changes to your personal information or if you believe the personal information we hold about you is not accurate, complete, up-to-date or is misleading, you may be given access to update our records directly. Otherwise please contact the AIDF staff member responsible for our provision of services to you, or if you are unsure who this person is, the Registrar using the contact details below, so that we can update our records accordingly. In some cases we may refuse to make changes in the manner requested by you, and in such case will provide you with a written notice that explains the reasons for our refusal. In such circumstances, you may provide us with a statement in respect to the need for correction and ask us to associate the statement with the information in question.

complaint handling

If you wish to make a complaint about a breach of this Privacy policy or Australian Privacy Principles you can contact us using the contact details below.

You will need to provide us with sufficient details regarding your complaint together with any supporting evidence.

We will refer your complaint to the Registrar who will investigate and determine the steps (if any) that we will undertake to resolve your complaint.  We will contact you if we require any additional information from you and will notify you in writing of the outcome of the investigation within 30 days of the date your complaint is made or the date you provided us with any additional information.

If you are not satisfied with our determination, you can contact us to discuss your concerns or complain to the Australian Privacy Commissioner via

changes to the privacy policy

AIDF may update this Privacy policy from time to time so please review it periodically on our website at for any changes.

Your continued use of our services (including online services), requesting our assistance or the provision of further personal information to us (directly or via an authorised person) after this Privacy policy has been revised, constitutes your acceptance of the revised Privacy policy.

Contact us if you have a query relating to this Privacy policy or wish to make a complaint, please contact us using the following contact details –

The Chief Executive Officer
Anglican Investment & Development Fund
Office Location: Level 3, 221 London Circuit, Canberra City ACT 2601
Postal Address: GPO Box 1243, Canberra City ACT 2601

Phone: (02) 6247-3744

Freecall:  1800-232-400 – Interstate Only


The information provided on this website is for use of a general nature only and is not intended to be relied upon as, nor to be a substitute for, specific professional advice. No responsibility for loss occasioned to any persons acting on or refraining from action as a result of any material in this publication can be accepted.

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