BSB: 702 389 

About Us

The Anglican Investment & Development Fund (AIDF) receives funds from investors and provides loans to parishes and other diocesan agencies (e.g. schools) for building or other capital works projects.

The AIDF also provides housing and personal loans to clergy and other persons employed by the diocese.

The Anglican Investment & Development Fund provides members with the opportunity to:

      • invest in an ethical alternative

      • support the mission of the Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn

      • benefit the community through enhancing diversity and education options

      • encourage parishes to develop and grow

      • benefit from great interest rates & fee free services

      • a safe & secure investment, guaranteed by the Diocese

The Fund does not hold an Australian Financial Services Licence.

The Fund has lodged an Identification Statement with ASIC as required by ASIC Corporations (Charitable Investment Fundraising) Instrument 2016/813. To view our Identification Statement click here.

The Fund is not prudentially supervised by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority. Therefore, an investor in the Fund will not receive the benefit of the financial claims scheme or the depositor protection provisions in the Banking Act 1959.

Our history

The Anglican Investment & Development Fund, Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn (AIDF) was established in 1967 by a small group of dedicated finance professional lay parishioners, along with the support of Bishop Warren and a $1,000 loan. The purpose was to subsidise loans and to make grants to parishes and diocesan agencies out of the profits.

The Fund has operated profitably every year since inception. Profits are retained and used to build reserves and make grants. The AIDF has voluntarily adopted capital adequacy guidelines as the appropriate standard for maintaining and increasing reserves each year. Reserves are invested in order to further support investors’ funds. Today the fund has grown to have around $90m in total assets and an annual profit in the order of $1m.

The AIDF is established under the AIDF Ordinance which includes a diocesan guarantee of the fund and outlines its purposes.

The AIDFs core purposes of being a strong and significant supporter of local parishes, including their community activities and buildings, aligns with the Investors’ desires of not only receiving competitive and accessible accounts but also of supporting their own community. The AIDF investors are a fundamental reason for the success of the AIDF over its long history.

The AIDF provides fee-free accounts, including access (everyday accounts) and term investments paying consistently highly competitive interest rates.  Our online “community saver account” provides a strong return to the investor and the AIDF will donate a percentage to your parish or favourite Diocesan entity.

The AIDF offers secure ‘Online Transaction Services’ functionality including BPay, MYOB, Banklink (accounting), Cemtex (business salary files) and third party payment functionality. The system provider is Data Action, who has many clients in the Credit Union sector. The AIDF also participates in the Bulk Electronic Clearing System (BECs), through Indue.

The AIDF BSB is 702-389 (online use only).


Founding Members

our team

Trevor Ament
Chief Executive Officer
Adam Wright
Relationship Manager
Leila Cochrane
Operations Manager
Sarah Henderson
Client Services
Andrew Guile
Risk & Compliance Director
Paul Brand
Chief Financial Officer
Rohan Smith
Chief Information Officer
Michael Simon
Human Resources Director

Founding Members

Board members

Lorraine Lenthall
Appointed Chair of AIDF in April 2020. Lorraine has had extensive experience in financial sector regulation and regulatory policy, both in Australia and overseas. She has a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Melbourne, majoring in Economics and Political Science and a Graduate Diploma in Legal Studies from the University of Canberra. (MAICD)
Nick Symons
Deputy Chair
Nick was one of Canberra’s leading property lawyers with 38 years’ experience in the Canberra region prior to his retirement in 2014. He was awarded Solicitor of the Year by the Real Estate Institute of the ACT in 1999, 2001, 2004 and 2005 together with the President’s Award in 2003. Nick also specialised in commercial and business law. During his career as a lawyer, Nick was active in educational training with CIT, the Law Society of the ACT, the Legal Workshop (ANU) and the Real Estate Institute of the ACT.
Mark Glover
Mark was first appointed as an AIDF Director in 2011 and then as Deputy Chair in 2016. Up to March 2011 Mark was Director and Country Treasurer responsible for the funding and liquidity risk of the combined Bank of America Merrill Lynch Australian- group of entities. Mark is a qualified geologist with BSc (Hons) in Mining Geology from Leicester University and also has a Financial Diploma from the Australian Financial Markets Association. (MAICD)
Tim McGhie
Tim retired in 2012 after working in the private and public sectors in the ACT for nearly 40 years, including time as an Associate Director in the Economic Studies and Strategies Unit, Corporate Finance and Recovery for PwC, and as a Senior Policy Advisor to the ACT Legislative Assembly. Tim is a member of Bishop-in-Council as Chair of the Diocesan Finance Committee. Tim is an Associate of CPA Australia; he completed his Bachelor of Economics, majoring in Macro-Economics and Accounting, at the University of Tasmania. (MAICD)
Eugene Kalenjuk

Eugene has more than 25-years experience providing professional services to High Wealth Families and private family businesses operating in the property industry and Emerging companies. He holds a Masters degree in Taxation, Bachelor of Commerce and is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants.
Eugene is a Director at Hardwickes Chartered Accountants, a locally based independent professional services firm established 70- years ago.

Gudrun Stylianou

Prior to joining the AIDF Board, Gudrun served on the Board of the Sapphire Coast Anglican College for 14 years, including the Finance sub-committee. After 20 years in the banking and finance industry, she is now the General Manager and Director of a 4 franchise automotive dealership purchased in 2005. She holds a Bachelors degree in Business Administration from RMIT Melbourne.

advice to investors

Your investment in the Fund will be used to support the charitable purpose of the Fund by allowing it to:

  • make loans to the Diocese, Diocesan agencies, schools and Ministry units for building and other purposes that support the mission of the Diocese,

  • make grants to the Diocese out of any surpluses from its operations for use by Bishop-in-Council to further the mission of the Diocese,

  • make donations out of any surpluses from our operations to Parishes or other Diocesan agencies.

The Fund is required by law to notify investors that:

  • investments in the Fund are not subject to the usual protections for investors under the Corporations Act or to regulation by the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC),

  • the investment is only intended to attract investors whose primary purpose for making their investment is to support the charitable purpose of the Fund,

  • investors may be unable to get some or all of their money back when the investor expects or at all,

  • investments in the Fund are not comparable to investments with banks, finance companies or fund managers.

The Fund does not hold an Australian Financial Services Licence.

The Fund has lodged an Identification Statement with ASIC as required by ASIC Corporations (Charitable Investment Fundraising) Instrument 2016/813.  The statement is available here.

The Fund is not prudentially supervised by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority.  Therefore, an investor in the Fund will not receive the benefit of the financial claims scheme or the depositor protection provisions in the Banking Act 1959.

Investments with AIDF are backed by AIDFs substantial reserves and the AIDF is guaranteed by the Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn.

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